Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Odds and Ends......

Hopefully you are enjoying the sunny days!  We have one last day of February left and we will be going to the nursing home to sing.  We leave at 1:30 and will get back at 3:10.    The next day brings us to March, which starts our celebration of Dr. Seuss and all of his books.  Please read with your child daily for at least 10 minutes and record it onto the log that was sent home yesterday.  We are charting as a school all of the time that we have read.  We have special activities scheduled for each week, these can be found in Quick Notes.

We will be visiting Cycle Systems on March 22nd in the AM.  On the 27th of March we will visit the Roanoke library for an Author's reading.  More details on that later.

We are continuing to work on addition and subtraction facts and are incorporating word problems into the mix.  We are writing a narrative about ourselves and reading daily.  We just finished up habitats in Science and will begin learning about plants and gardening.  We will use our money made at the bake sale to buy seeds and plants.  

Let me know if you have any questions about what we are doing in class.....

Hope to see all at the spaghetti dinner on Thursday!

Rooster Day

In a galaxy, far, far away at Community School there was a rooster named Flynn visiting.  It was fun, especially when he crowed, which was often.  It was yucky when he pooped, which was not so often.  It was chaos when he made lots of noise.  It was cool when he flew.  Keri put him in the cage with the bunnies.  The bunnies did not like it!  Flynn was very cute and very pretty.  He was very funny!  He liked us!  We loved having him visit!  The rooster gets to go home with James to live at his house.  He will like his chicken and his chicken shed.

by Keri's Class

Monday, February 13, 2012

February - Beary nice!!!!!!

We are working hard on habitats!  Together with Emily's class, we are building habitats for our bears.  We have divided up and are studying polar bears, pandas and grizzly bears.  We have found out some interesting facts about our bears.

We are also busy using our touch points to subtract and have been counting down from 50.  Some of the second years are also learning about regrouping and subtracting 2 digit numbers.

We have been reading about bears during our reading time.  Polar Bears Past Bedtime, a Magic Tree House book and some shorter books as well.  We have been reading many versions of the Three Bears and have retold Goldilocks and the Three Bears story in our own writing.

Thank you very much for the soup!  We donated several bags of soup to the seniors via LOA and they were very excited to get our donation.  We have also made Valentines to give to some of the adults who live at Hollin's Manor with our buddies from RuthAnn's room.  We also gave them cards at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  The adults were very excited to receive these cards.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and we are getting ready by decorating our envelopes.  We also are doing several activities today and tomorrow and are very excited to be celebrating with our friends.  It is also the 100th day tomorrow.  Can you believe that we have been in school 100 days?  I can't!

Remember to read with your child and encourage them to read for 5-10 minutes daily.  We have begun word study and they should be bringing home a copy of their sort on Monday or Tuesday so you will know what words we are working on.  Right now, they are short vowel words with a digraph, sh, ch or wh beginning.