Friday, April 20, 2012


We are in need of paper towel and toliet paper rolls, empty ones of course.  We could also use 1 litre and 2 litre bottles.  Again, empty.  Thanks

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Creative use of blocks for math...

Sharing our habitats....

Welcome back!

We are celebrating Earth Day this week by learning about ways that we can save the Earth! We now know that we should save water by turning water off while we are brushing our teeth, that taking a shower instead of a bath saves water and that we should turn off and unplug things when we at not using them. We read "Ready Freddy saves the Earth" and learned about recycling, reducing and reusing. We are practicing what we learned in our class and hopefully at home too! In math we are comparing numbers, working on addition and subtraction and drawing word problems. Do not forget to sign up for Strawbery Festival volunteer shifts! Each parent is expected to put in 12 hours of volunteer time. It really is a lot of fun! I am volunteering Thursday, Friday and all day Saturday with kids games. feel free to sign up for kids games and help me out! Don't forget to sell your advance tickets or just plan on using them yourself! You may send in one for your child to use on Friday the 4th when we go to Hollins to get our own strawberry shortcakes. Our last field trip has been designed to include families. We are going to my farm in Wirtz, 30 minutes from Roanoke. Siblings and parents are invited and encouraged to attend. We will pet the horses and goats, look for crawfish and take a walk in the woods to see a yurt! We went in the Fall and had a blast! The date for this trip is May 25th and a rain date has been set for the next day, May 26th. We will make this an all day field trip and you can meet us there or we can leave from school. We will do picnic lunches. More details will come. We are practicing for the play every Monday from 1:30 - 3:00 and on Fridays from 9 - 10:00 during the month of April. In May we will practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure that your child is here for these practices. A note went home this week requesting items for costumes. If you did not get yours, please contact me or Louise Montgomery. the kids are very excited about the play. This will be performed on May 18th, so mark your calendar to be here for it. Invite friends and relatives to see your child shine! We will also have an art show that morning showcasing their work.