Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fall Festival!!!!  Can you believe that Fall Festival is only a week away?  I can not!!!!  We are planning some great activities and hope that you are getting excited!!!!!!
We are in need of several items that perhaps you have lying around the house: newspapers, recycled containers that we can use for a craft, and paper bags.  Please send in what you have.   Containers can be all sizes. 

Remember that we will be meeting up there at 10:30 and that all children must have supervision at all times.  You will be responsible for bringing your own lunch and fruit snack for both days.  You will also want to bring a refillable water bottle.  If you are in need of directions or additional information, please email me.

This week is our Booker T. Field Trip on Thursday.  Don't forget a heavy fruit break and a yummy lunch.  We will be doing lots of walking.  You may want water shoes as well.  We will be back at school by 2.   Dress appropriately! 

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