Monday, October 24, 2011

For those of you that have brought in supplies for Angels of Assisi, Thank You!!!  We have adopted them as our service project this quarter.  We found a home for the dog that we fostered and our very excited to make a delivery of goods to the shelter.  We will be accepting goodies until November 11th.  

On that note, we are hosting the bake sale on November 9th.  The proceeds will go to Angels.  Please send in a baked good wrapped in individual packets that we can sale during lunch that day.  If someone would like to come in and help us with that they are more than welcome....  Another alternative to baking would be to put strawberries in a bag.  That was a big hit last year.  Or even little sammies, the small ice cream sandwiches.......

We saw Good Night Moon at Hollins today.  The kids really enjoyed it.  The show was awesome!!!!!  We will study the phases of the moon and look at some other works of Margaret Wise Brown to follow up with the play.  What a wonderful writer!

Our next field trip will be Nov. 3rd.  Permission slips will go home today.  Make sure that they get returned promptly.  We will need bagged lunches that day as well as appropriate clothing.

I would love to take a field trip to the Farmers Market in Downtown Roanoke.  I would need some parent volunteers for that.  If anyone is available Monday the 14th, please let me know.  It would be a half day trip, leaving in the AM.  We will also stop and make the donation to Angels of Assisi on that day.  

Remember, questions or comments, please let me know.........

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