Thursday, January 12, 2012

Jan. 12

It is almost conference time again!  My, how the year is flying by......  Hopefully the times that were given earlier this year work with everyone.  If you cannot make your time, please let me know now so we can work on rescheduling.  The schedule will be posted in Quick Notes on the 17th.  If you do not remember your time, email me and I can tell you.

We are working on bears!  Everything bears!   Reading bear books, studying habitats for bears and doing some science activities involving cold and hot.
We have worked on time to the half hour, and quarter hour for those that were ready.  We are working on subtraction of numbers through 19.  I have really tried to get everyone comfortable with their addition facts.  If you have time in the car, practice doubles through 10, sums of 10 and 9 plus.  The memorization and understanding of these facts will really help with subtraction.
We are reading daily here at school and you are reading at home as well.  I am really seeing progress in their reading skills.   They are also doing a great job with their journaling and are better able to spell what they hear in their writing.

Friday is a field trip to Hollins for the local hero award ceremony in the afternoon.  Monday is a holiday and there is no school.

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