Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Welcome back! Where did the warm days of December go? Only a few more days of extreme cold to go, for this round anyway! That being said, remember that we are outside for at least a part of every day. Please send in gloves, hats, warm coats, etc that they can wear outside. I invested in a huge parka and really warm boots last year after spending a few cold recess duties freezing. We are so glad to be back together. We have welcomed Flint and Gerald to our room, well outside actually! They are the bunnies that are in the pen outside of our classroom. The kids are sharing their leftovers with them and waiting to have a chance to hold them. We will learn about animal care and animal adaptation through the care of our bunnies. We are also working on telling time to the half or quarter hour. If you happen to have an analog clock, have your child practice. We are working on our decoding skills with word study. We will work as a group this week, and next week each child will have their own list of words to work on. Remember to continue to read with your son or daughter daily. They are really making progress with their reading. Let me know if you have any questions about what we are doing. There is no school on January 16th. Conferences are January 27th.

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