Monday, March 19, 2012

Also this week and next.....

Just a reminder that we will be going to Cycle Systems on Thursday and we are leaving right around 9.  Please bring in a bag of cans if you have any so that we can turn them in to be recycled and get paid for the aluminum.  

We are also beginning work on our thing-a-ma-jig.  We need all sorts of recyclables.  We will be incorporating these into a big contraption during our science time.  We will also be reading the Lorax and beginning our seeds inside for our small garden.  Due to construction, we may be gardening in a large container and only planting things that will mature before end of school.

We will read "Eyes Wide Shut", "If I Ran the Zoo", "Oh the Places You'll Go" and the The Sleep Book this week.  We will all wear sunglasses on Monday for Eyes Wide Shut.  We decorated these last week.
Feel free to dress up as your favorite zoo animal on Tuesday and on Friday, wear your pajamas to school. If anyone wants to come in and read to us on Friday, they are welcome.  We will also have a few teachers come in to guest read as well.

Next week, we read the Lorax on Tuesday and it will be "zero waste lunch day".  School will be closed on Thursday for conferences.  Portfolios will come home on Monday.  On Friday the 30th, we will have our parade of Thing-a-ma-jiggers.  Feel free to come and watch.  

Don't forget to sign up for Baking Day this Friday.  The sign up sheet can be accessed via our school web-site.

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