Friday, March 16, 2012

Eggs and more eggs! And other odds and ends...

We are short on paper towels and glue sticks.  If you could each send in a pack of paper towels and glue sticks, we will have enough to make it through the rest of the year.  We could also use some erasers.  We keep eating ours.  (really!)  The pencils erasers keep disappearing and the erasers that we put on them keep getting torn apart.  If anyone has more “junk” that we can use next week for planting and building out thing-a-ma-jigger please send it in.  This may be a great time to clean out that closet or go through the recycle bin.  We will begin building on Monday. 

The egg drop experiment was a huge success.  We all did a great job!  There were many successful drops and many learning experiences as well.  We also enjoyed our naked eggs and the disappearing egg trick.  These are experiments that your child can replicate at home with some help.  Ask them about them. 

Today we ate “green eggs and ham”.  We also had some fried hash browns and a green cookie to celebrate St. Patricks Day.  All in all, it was a magnificent day!!!!!! 

I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend! 

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