Thursday, May 3, 2012

May News

*We are in charge of the bake sale this Wednesday.  Please send in cookies, ice cream sandwiches or cupcakes.  These are the biggest sellers.
*We have a family field trip scheduled for May 24th.  It is to my farm.  You are welcome to meet us there or we will take your child.  The rain date for this trip will be May 31st.
*Arts Festival is coming up on May 18th.  We will dismiss from Hollins after this.  There is no afterschool that day.  We have practice on the 15th - 18th so please be here.
*On the 29th, our class will go to El Rodeo for lunch.  The cost is $7.00.  Please send in cash that day.  You are also welcome to attend.  Please let us know ahead of time if you are attending.  The time is 12 - 1:30.

The Strawberry Festival is this weekend!  Please attend and support our great festival.  Don't forget to sign up for volunteering as well.  We are still in need of 114 shifts to be covered.  Remember that each parent is responsible for 12 hours.  I will be there tonight, tomorrow afternoon and all day Saturday!  It will be lots of fun!!!!!!!!!!!

We are having a blast and are continuing to learn every day!  We are working with magnets and motion in science, reviewing math facts and starting to read fables!

Thanks for all that you do to help us have great days!

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