Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Thank you very much for your help with the field trip.  We have enough drivers and are excited about going to the farm!  Remember to pack a good lunch that day.  Hopefully we will have a special treat of s'mores for after lunch......  
As we wind down the school year, we are enjoying some time to "just read"!  We are all choosing books that we like and reading!  We are also going to look at some great authors and illustrators and incorporate some art work into our reading.  We will start with Eric Carle.
In math, we are going to work on fractions and measurement.  We have some games to play to reinforce what we learn.
We also will be presenting our poems that went home last week.  Every child will stand up and read or recite their poem on Friday.  Keep practicing!  If you need another copy let me know.

Or latest visitor has been Hopkins!  He came to school for 2 weeks.  He is a kitten that I took in whose mom did not make it.  We gave him lots of attention and love.  He has started staying at home now that he is actually 8 weeks old.  He may make a surprise visit again before the end of the year.

I am very proud of everyone!  They did a wonderful job in the play.  Our next big performance will be at Celebration on June 7th.  Please plan on attending!

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