Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day!

I am sure most of you are very anxious to hear how the first day went......   It has been great!  We have made new friends, connected with old and learned something new about everyone.  We went to Spanish and to Music and had indoor recess and fruit break.  Hopefully the rain will go away soon and we can head outdoors again.  For those of you who have not yet done so, a change of clothes, a sweatshirt/jacket and rain boots are great things to bring in and leave in their cubbies.  We will be going outside in drizzles and we do play outside when it is wet.  It is nice to have dry clothes to change into if we get wet. 
Your child will bring a folder home nightly and any news items or work will be inside.  Please check this out.  I will try and post important information on this blog, so check it often.  Better yet, sign up to have emails sent to you when it is updated. 
Our themes this quarter will be growing and gardening, as well as Nursery Rhymes.  We will see what is required to grow, plant some seeds and monitor their growth and measure ourselves to track how tall we are growing.  We will also do some choral reading of Nursery Rhymes to start our reading. 
A big thank you to all who have brought in supplies.  We will be well stocked to start out the year.  If you have any questions that I can answer before gatherings, please feel free to stop by after school, or to email me.  You can reach me at kerij@communityschool.net    

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