Tuesday, September 20, 2011

We are getting into the swing of things.  Thank you to everyone for coming out to the gathering.  It was fun getting to know you and listening to your questions.  I am very fortunate to have such a great group of parents to go with my great group of kids.  
Thank you to everyone who remembered our attempt at having a "peanut free" Monday lunch.  It will just help us as we get together with our buddies.  If your child does have peanut butter, we will just remember to clean especially good and wash our hands after we eat. 
The kids would really love to do show-n-share and it was decided that we will do this on Friday mornings.  Please remember that we only want to bring in items that are not fragile and can be stored in the backpacks. 
If you have not already done so, please remember to send in a baby picture or two for our project.  We would also love to know birth weight and/or height.  We are charting our growth.  If you have a chance to talk with your child about times when they were little, that would be great.  Share with them details such as when they walked, talked and learned to ride a bike, etc.  We are creating a time line of our lives
and this info will help us. 

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