Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 2

We made it!  Week one was a great beginning to what will be a wonderful school year.  I am very excited!  This week we have 2 events you will want to put on your calendar.  Thursday, September 15th at 7pm we will have our gathering.  We will meet in my classroom.  This is a quick informational meeting about the upcoming school year.  We have information to hand out for Fall Festival so don't miss it.  It lasts about a half hour and it is just for the adults.  On Friday, we will have our class skits outside at 10:30.  This should be a lot of fun! 

This week we will begin our assessments to see where everyone is.  This is done through watching them play, and learn.  We will see where they are at so that we know where to begin with our teaching. 

We are playing hard outside during our recess time.  When we come in, we are hot and sometimes sweaty.  So we are still using the air-conditioning to cool us off.  Some of us cool off faster than others and may want a sweatshirt to keep here at school to put on and take off.  If you have one that you can leave at school, that would be great.  They can leave it in their cubbies. 
Thanks for all you are doing to help us transition into our new school year! 

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