Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Second Quarter, here we come!!!!!!

Just finishing up with conferences.  Believe it or not, I had a wonderful day meeting with everyone.  I love hearing how you feel the year is going and it really makes my day to see and reflect on what we have been working on!  I always feel that I could do something better, and keeping you informed is one of them.......  here goes my attempt at correcting that....

This quarter we are working on addition facts, fact families and subtraction facts.  I want to ensure that each child has a solid foundation before we go on....  We will add higher numbers as we grasp sums of 0-10 and move up to sums of 20.  We will look at the relationship between addition facts and subtraction facts.  

In reading, we are all reading different books.  We will work on understanding what we read and what we need to know to pick just the right book for each of us.  We are also hoping to begin journaling daily.  I feel like we have not had the time daily to do this, and we are now ready for it.  

As for other happenings, Emily has been talking about the elections in Social Studies.  
For Science, I have been talking about the solar system, the moon and the planets, and how the position affects our seasons.  When we finish that, we will move to how the seasons affect plants and animals and then onto characteristics of plants and animals.  

Our current projects are taking a collection of items to the Roanoke Valley SPCA and making a donation to them as well.  We will also take a field trip there as well as to downtown Roanoke to visit the Farmer's market.  We will see  where we can buy food grown locally, talk with some of the vendors, and even try some of the goodies.  
We will also picnic downtown.  At this time, we have 4 parents going with us, so we should have plenty of help.  

For December, we will make some no-sew blankets.  For this project, we will be in need of fleece.  Each blanket  will require 3 yards of fleece, 1.5 yds. of 2 coordinating colors. Does anyone have any fleece that they could donate?  I am going to purchase some this week at JoAnn's Fabric because it is on sale.   

Thanks for all that you do to help us!!!!!!!

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