Wednesday, November 30, 2011

December, oh my!!!!!

December, I can not believe that it is here!  Our schedule is packed with lots of fun activities.  
*We are hosting a luncheon for Grandparents on December 7th, along with a cookie party for family and friends the same day.  (Invitations are coming home today.)  Feel free to come with us to the book fair to browse for some great books while you are here.
*We are going to see Christmas Cookies on December 13th by Roanoke Children's Theatre at the Taubman.
*On the 13th and 15th during science,  we will be making cookies to drop off at the Rescue Mission.  We will also be making blankets to take as well throughout the week.  Feel free to come and help with any of those projects.
*We will be having a special holiday breakfast on December 16th at 9 am.  Muffins, pancakes, juice and milk will be served.  I would love some help with organizing that.  If you are willing, give me a shout.  We will also do a craft, a special story and a game.  This will be along with Emily's class.   So come on out and enjoy the morning with us.  You can also come and read later during that day.
*We are celebrating the break with pajama day on the 16th and will spend the day reading special stories, drinking hot chocolate and finishing it off with some special games.  

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