Wednesday, November 30, 2011

This week.....

We are working on fact families and how addition and subtraction facts are related.  We are playing some fun math games and relying on addition facts to help us remember what the answers are to the subtraction problems.  As you are out and about, ask your child to tell you ways to get 10 and if 4 plus 6 is 10 what must 10 minus 6 be.
In reading, we are working on short and long vowels and how to tell them apart.  We are working on doing some independent reading as well.
We are journaling daily, and beginning to work on editing our work.  We are looking at proper letter formations, punctuation and spellings of familiar patterns.  When you see them writing at home, encourage them to sound it out, think about how it should look and then to read what they wrote to see if it reads how they meant it to.
I am really seeing some great progress in the kids!  It feels good to see the excitement in their eyes as they spell a word on their own or read a book that they couldn't at the beginning of the year.

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